Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday Movie Review - Robin Hood

This past weekend, Tony and I went to see Robin Hood, staring Russell Crowe and directed by none other than Ridley Scott. I know, hard to believe isn’t it?

If I’m not mistaken, I first saw a preview for this movie when I went to see The Lovely Bones with Candy and Kendra and knew without a doubt that I would go opening weekend. The story of Robin Hood has been played out on the silver screen no fewer than 10 times, dating back to 1912 and so I was anxious to see how the Crowe/Scott version of the film would play out.

I think everyone knows the story of Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor; but this story was actually more than that. It was actually more like a prequel to the story we all know. In fact, Tony felt as though they set it up for a sequel. The movie tells how Robin became who he is and why he became that way; basically a background of the man, the myth, and the legend.

I thought Russell Crowe did a fine job as Robin Hood; but, I’m a huge fan and think most all of his work is brilliant. Cate Blanchett was as charming as ever as Marion; I don’t think there’s a role she cannot play. I think she is absolutely a cinematic treasure. Oscar Isaac played the role of King John. He is somewhat of a newcomer, not having had many large roles previously. He was completely villainous and just when you think he may have some good in him; he turns out to be the King John we are all familiar with. Mark Strong was equally wicked in the role of Godfrey.

I won’t give the plot away, but needless to say, I really enjoyed this movie. There were a few parts in it that dragged a bit but overall it was quite entertaining and I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys these types of movies. However, be warned: if you don’t like a lot of battles scenes and blood, then this movie probably isn’t for you.

Tony's take: Pretty Good

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