Sunday, March 11, 2012

This and That and a Birthday Soiree

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice weekend. As planned, I made it in to work by 6:45 on Friday morning in order to make up a little time so I could take some time off to visit the doctor, and paid only a $20 co-pay – take that Quick Care! As suspected, I have a sinus infection. I was given a prescription for some antibiotics and I also got some Clairton D to help with the congestion. Is it just me or do you also feel like a criminal when you buy medicine from behind the pharmacy counter? I always feel like the clerk is wondering if I’m going to make a batch of meth with my purchase.

Anyway, I also bought a new humidifier because my old one had stopped working last month. The hum of a humidifier is very soothing to me when I’m sick and reminds me of my youth. Sadly, the newer ones don’t really hum like the older models do. My throat is still hurting a bit, but I am starting to feel better. Hopefully I will be back to normal just in time to start mowing the grass.

On Friday night, I met Jackie and the kids for a viewing of The Lorax (review coming up later this week). Saturday morning, I skipped the gym since I still wasn’t feeling well and made an early morning run to Publix. I did some cleaning and laundry, but mostly did some resting.

Saturday afternoon we had a birthday celebration for my paternal granddad’s 80th. His actual birthday is this coming Wednesday; so, we celebrated a little early. My dad grilled pork chops and everyone brought a side item. My aunt brought him a couple of fancy party hats and also some birthday decorations. We had a good time getting together and celebrating his 80 years.

Sunday morning was my first Sunday to teach the Ladies’ Class since Janet taught last week. I think it went pretty well considering I had to blow my nose every few minutes and keep a cough drop in my mouth. My small group met for potluck after class and then I came home and napped. I skipped evening service because I just really didn’t feel like getting out again. Hopefully the Lord will understand.

So, that was my weekend in a nutshell. It should be a fairly busy week at work. We Alabamians head to the polls on Tuesday, which is always one of my most favorite days of the year, and on Saturday, I’m going to a concert with Jackie and Maria.

I hope you all have a great Monday and your week starts off on a good note. Here are some photos from the birthday soiree.

My grandparents

The birthday cake

Getting ready for cake

Blowing out the candles

1 comment:

Jackie said...

haha love the pics of your grand dad! Hope you are feeling better today.