Monday, July 20, 2015

The Addition - Part One

I don't think I've mentioned it, but my parents are adding on to their house. It seems kind of weird since I've been wanting them to downsize for a long while now. The reason behind the addition is that my granddad has moved in with them.

My mom's dad, Bill, sold his house in Meridianville last month and moved in with my parents. They don't have an extra room at the moment and really my granddad needs some space of his own, so after much debate and changing of decisions, the final answer was to add on to my parents' house and have Bill move in.

For now, my dad sleeps on the couch and Bill sleeps in my dad's bed, but in two or three months time everyone will be back to having a bed of their own and things will return to some semblance of the new normal. I plan to chronicle the building of the addition here on the blog. I mean, after all, this is The Chronicles of Nat. I've long been intrigued by construction and love to watch a new project unfold, no doubt a trait I inherited from my dad's dad.

The project got started last week and is already moving along at a nice click. I'll have to rely on (and remind) my dad to take photos as well because I won't have time to make it out there every day, but do plan on stopping by each week.

I stopped by on Monday (July 20) and took the pictures below. The concrete foundation has been poured and the brick taken off the side of the house where the addition is going. Other than that, it doesn't look like much, but framing will be starting soon and then we will be well on our way. I hope you enjoy watching the addition go up as much as I will.

There is a port-o-potty and large dumpster in my parents' driveway. 

Inside the dumpster - full of brick.


Erika said...

I might have to go dumpster diving and get some of that brick! I like to use it for landscape borders and such ;)
Can't wait to see how this project turns out!

Kimberly Washer said...

Yay!! I love before and afters.