Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Problem with Raspberries

This post just goes to show you how little is going on in my world right now. I've resorted to writing about produce. I don't know about you, but I'm a big fan of most all kinds of berries, strawberries and blackberries being my favorite. Apparently there was a bumper crop of raspberries wherever it is that raspberries are grown because for the last three weeks or so Publix has had raspberries on sale for $1.99 a carton, which is a pretty good price as they are usually upwards of $3.

So, for the past three weeks, I have bought at least two, sometimes three cartons of raspberries as I really love to munch on these and they are better than snacking on some sort of junk food. The problem is that out of the 6-9 cartons I have bought, I have maybe only eaten a total of two cartons because all the others have rotted before I even got a change to eat them.

This past weekend I bought two cartons on Saturday. Sunday night as I grabbed a carton out of the fridge to wash them and put them in a plastic container so I could take them in my lunch on Monday. Much to my chagrin, both cartons had rotting and molded berries. It has become rather apparent that Publix has way more berries than they know what to do with (there weer what looked like hundreds of cartons on the shelf) and the berries are also apparently not flying off the shelves which leaves rotting berries for those of us who do buy them. The bad berries are on the bottom of the carton so the next day or two when I finally go to eat them, the who carton is ruined.

Needless to say, I've learned my lesson (I hope) when it comes to these berries and I will not be adding these to my grocery cart this weekend, no matter how luscious they look. I actually had this same problem with two cartons of strawberries I bought Father's Day weekend. I bought the two cartons to make a cake and in total only about one carton was usable, the others had to be thrown out. Of course, peak strawberry season has passed us by and I'm sure they are not selling as many as they were a month or two ago, but still, the berries should last more than one or two days.

Speaking of berries, I would love to get some really good blackberries. Has anyone seen these at the farmer's market recently? I may check out Greene Street Market this Thursday and see if there are any available. Hopefully they will last more than one or two days.


Melissa said...

That is really odd about the raspberries - I would be frustrated about that. I bet they are good to freeze in a single layer and just snack on them while frozen or in smoothies...maybe they wouldn't ruin that way.

Erika said...

Have you told Publix about the issue? I bet they would reimburse you.
That's a good idea about freezing them.