Monday, June 18, 2012

A Post For Monday

Well, hello there! I'm late posting and for that I do apologize. I am not feeling too well you see, so, I didn't write anything Sunday night. I've had a terrible cough for the past four weeks as well as some chest congestion. I'm sure my friends, family and the people I work with are tired of hearing me cough. Yesterday I started feeling bad and then last night I got a collective amount of about two hours sleep. So, needless to say, I'm struggling to make it through this Monday. The girl I work with is out today, otherwise I would have taken the day off to sleep and visit the doctor. I have an appointment for Tuesday morning so I'm going to work for a couple of hours, go to the doctor, and go home for some rest. I am really looking forward to it and the folks I work with are probably looking forward to it as well.

I really don't have all that much to write about today as the weekend wasn't too eventful. I mowed the grass on Friday night and I think that helped contribute to my feeling bad. I'm beginning to think I have a grass allergy because I always have congestion afterwards and I had not taken my allergy medicine last week - on accident - and so I feel pretty positive that the grass helped moved my illness along. Saturday was spent cleaning, going to the grocery store, cooking and napping. See, not much to tell.

On Sunday we had our annual Father's Day lunch of Meatloaf, Green Beans, Okra, Corn, Cornbread, and Strawberry Cake. It was quite enjoyable if I do say so myself. I got my dad a bow tie for Father's Day. I had given it to him earlier in the week so he could wear it on Sunday. I think he pulled it off well.

That's about it for me. How about you? Hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend.

Side note: It's officially summer on Wednesday and it's heating up here in Huntsville which means that Cooking in the Car will soon be making its return to the blog. I've got quite a few items lined up, so bring on the 100 degree days... I guess.


Erika said...

Your dad looks awesome in that bowtie!!! He's one of few that can pull that off :)
Good picture of your mom too - she looks pretty in that blue color.
Sorry you are under the weather again :(

Alison said...

That's a great pic of your parents! The bowtie is a good look for your dad.

I can't wait for Cooking in the Car!

Kimberly Washer said...

I ditto everything Erika and Alison said :).

Jackie said...

Love it! Madeline got Mike a bowtie for Father's Day. The Bowtie is definitely back people:)