Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Lovely Easter Weekend

After my grand Friday night, I didn't do much else the rest of the weekend which was exactly as I had planned. On Saturday, I did some laundry and a little cleaning at finally around 4:30 p.m., I managed to pull myself off the couch and mow the grass and trim some shrubs in the backyard. I also wanted to go to Publix to get a few things that were on sale since the sale paper was ending that day and then at the 11th hour, I decided I wanted to peruse Belk for a new dress for Easter. So, after the yard work was complete, I jumped in the shower and headed to the mall. 

I arrived at Belk close to 7:00 p.m. and gave myself an hour. As luck would have it, that was more than enough time and I bought two dresses, a new top and a new pair of jeans which were desperately needed since my favorite jeans are so worn they are about to have a hole in them. I managed to get back to the car and pull out of the parking lot by 8:10 p.m. and was rather proud of myself. 

My next stop was Publix and I had a goal of getting in and out as quickly as possible because I wanted to be back home by 9:00 p.m. so that I wouldn't be out and about at all hours of the night. Once again, my goal was accomplished and I managed to get the few things on my list plus a few extras and was home by 9:00 p.m. 

Easter Sunday was a cornucopia of pastel colors as men, women and children were all decked out for Easter. There were seersucker suits and jackets and pink pants and bow ties and all manner of spring colored dresses. It was like a giant Easter egg. We didn't have class or an evening service on Easter, but the morning service lasted about an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes so I'm sure there were folks young and old alike who were anxious to get out of the pew. 

I had mentioned previously that I had turned my dad down for cooking Easter lunch. I had no desire to spend all weekend in the kitchen cooking only to have the food devoured in 30 minutes and be stuck cleaning dishes. My favorite Aunt Linda also invited me over, but they were eating at 1:00 p.m. and I was already hungry and also didn't want to spend all afternoon away from home. I had a few other invitations as well, but ended up with Jackie and her family, which included one of my favorite people, Little Mickey. I have no doubt the rest of my family is mad at me for going to lunch with Jackie's family instead of cooking for or eating with them. All I can do is apologize. I just wanted something quick and easy and we went to Chili's and it was just that. We had a nice time visiting and I was home before 1:00 p.m. and I changed into pajamas and didn't leave the house for the rest of the day. It was just what I wanted and definitely what I needed. I am thankful for the rest and relaxation - it was the best Easter gift of all! 

Apparently I've unknowingly begun an Easter tradition of sorts of having a Call the Midwife marathon. Last year on Easter I had a bit of a stomach bug and stayed home all day and watched the entire first season of Call the Midwife online and then the first episode of season two when it came on Easter evening. This year, I had the first three episodes of season three on the DVR as I had not yet had a chance to watch them. So, I watched them Sunday afternoon and then watched the fourth episode when it came on that evening. It's been an intense season and the last episode was a heart-breaker. It apparently made a lasting impression on me because I ended up dreaming about it that evening. 

So, that sums up the rest of my Easter weekend. It was great. I was able to just have some time to myself and take care of things for myself and not have to be anywhere at any time and it was much needed and an all-around great weekend. 


Erika said...

That sounds like the perfect Easter weekend to me!!!

Sometimes you just have to look out for and take of yourself :) Something I'm generally good at... LOL

Jackie said...

I am glad you ate with us and I LOVED your Easter dress!