Sunday, October 27, 2013

Michael Buble In Concert: Nashville 2013

Time flies when you're having fun they say and I guess I've been having so much fun that I am posting about things long after they happen, or at least it seems that way. 

Last Wednesday, I left work early to drop Pippa off at the vet so she could stay the night in preparation for her surgery (she got fixed) and soon after that, Jackie met me at my house and we hopped in the car and headed north to Nashville. Many months ago, Michael Buble announced his 2013-2014 World Tour and as luck would have it, he had a show scheduled for October 23 in Nashville. As you may or may not know, I am a lover of the jazz and adore Michael Buble. I wanted to see him about three years ago when he performed in Nashville, but I had just had foot surgery and couldn't drive and there were no willing parties to drive me to the show. So, when the tickets went on sale this time around, I logged on to Ticketmaster as soon as they went on sale and shelled out a ridiculous amount of money because there was no way I was going to miss it again. 

When I decided to order tickets, I asked Jackie about being my plus one. She's not a huge Buble fan, but she does love music and we always have a good time together. I told her my intention would be to get a date (because let's face it, Buble would be much better with a date) but if I didn't (and clearly I didn't) would she go? She said she would go and so I bought two tickets and circled the date on the calendar. 

We left Huntsville about 4:00 p.m. and met Jackie's sister Melissa at Chuy's in Nashville for dinner. We made good time as we were going against the flow of traffic and there were no problems along the way. I had never eaten at a Chuy's before, but had heard wonderful things about it. The dinner was great and the company was even better. Chuy's has a really yummy jalapeno dip that is almost like ranch and quite addictive. I think I could have drank it! It was so nice to see Melissa and catch up with her. Jackie and I need to try and go up to Nashville for a whole weekend sometime soon. 

After dinner, we drove to downtown Nashville and found a parking spot pretty easily. Another friend of Jackie's had recommended a spot and it worked out beautifully. We walked to the arena and found our seats and got settled in for the show. The opening act was Naturally Seven, a group who does not use instruments, but instead makes instrumental sounds using their voices. They sang for about 30 minutes and were really quite impressive. They sang covers, the best of which was "Fix You" by Coldplay. Jackie shot some video with her phone. I did not because I apparently don't realize I live in 2013 and can easily do this with a touch of a button.After Naturally Seven completed their set, there was a 30 minute break and I headed to the bathroom (shocking I know).

Michael Buble took the stage right at 9:00 p.m. opening with "Fever" and some exploding pyrotechnics! His second song was a favorite of almost everyone's, "Haven't Met You Yet." Meri and I had been singing it at work earlier in the day and so it was appropriate that it was the second song of the night. The stage was amazing with great backgrounds and it also moved up and down and the band was on moving platforms so sometimes they would be towards the back and sometimes towards the front. There was also a stage at the back of the arena (to our left) and we wondered if he would walk back to it and perform. Sure enough, towards the end of the show, he strutted down one long aisle singing away and did some songs with Naturally Seven in the back. Then he strutted on back to the front to close out the show. 

One of the last songs was "All You Need Is Love", made famous by the Beetles and when he was singing this song, red and white confetti hearts were blasted throughout the arena. It was a like a large party. For the encore, he changed from his tuxedo into a lounge type jacket than shimmered and sang "Cry Me a River" (with a very theatrical ending I might add) and then ended with "A Song For You" which he finished up without a microphone. He seemed very humble and it appeared that he even got a little teary-eyed at the end. I like it when performers are emotional and appreciative of their success. 

The only bummer of the night was that the couple next to me decided to use the concert as their own personal make up/feel each other up session which made me rather uncomfortable. Other than that, the night went off without a hitch. We were even able to get out of downtown in a timely manner which was a miracle in and of itself. It was such a fun night and I'm so glad Jackie and I were able to get out of town and enjoy this show. It was an amazing performance and I will definitely buy tickets again the next time he is close. 

 Naturally Seven opening up the show

Apparently I take terrible concert photos with my phone, but that is Michael Buble.


Jackie said...

Great show!! he's an amazing performer and I am so glad I got to be your plus 1!

Kimberly Washer said...

I love Michael Buble!! Looks like tons of fun!! You might have talked me into wanted to buy tickets next time too!!

Melissa said...

You and your plus 1 :) are welcome to stay with me anytime for during a Franklin/Nashville visit. I'm sure us 3 girls could have lots of fun.