Friday, October 30, 2009

Costume Party Fun!

Once a month the ladies at church have a Ladies’ Night Out. Somehow I ended up being the fearless leader of this group. I’m not really sure how that happened, but it did, and I’ve been doing it for about five years or so. We have a few ladies that come every time and then a few others that come about half the time and still a fewer others that come about once a year. But, no matter who is there, we always manage to have a great time.

For the past two years (three counting this year) we have had a costume contest in the month of October. The October gathering is always at the home of Janice Jennings, who really goes all out for Halloween. The costume contest has been a lot of fun over the years and everyone always manages to come in a different costume than the one they wore the year before. We’ve got a lot of creative gals in our group.

Here are some photos from this past Monday night’s Ladies’ Night Out:

Dena was a pirate and Deborah was one of two deviled eggs

Shelia was "just  waking up"
Janet was a chef
Myrtle was Myrtle

Faye was the other deviled egg

Sandra was Michael Jackson

Janice Jennings was our hostess for the evening and a go-go girl

Peggy was a 50s girl

I was a rock star

Elaine was half-dressed and also the winner of the costume contest!

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