Tuesday, July 13, 2010

An Announcement From Nat

I wanted to let all four of my readers know that I am now writing for http://www.examiner.com/ as Huntsville’s American Food writer. Yes, I know, I’m not sure why I’m the food writer either, but for some strange reason this is the position for which I applied and was selected. You can check out my new page here. Be sure and view it a lot and pass the word along as well. Obviously I get paid based on the number of views; so I’m shamelessly plugging my page. I also need your input on things to write about. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comment section here on The Chronicles of Nat or over at my examiner page. Thanks for your support in everything I do, you all are a great group of friends.

P.S. Thanks to Erika and Tony for proofreading my bio.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely great about the position. You will do a great job. I'm so excited for you. I agree with the accessment of the Twilight Saga. I loved the movie too. In fact would go see it again.
What about Tony's interview. How did it go?
Keep me posted. Love you,