Friday, February 19, 2010

Random Thoughts for Friday

It’s been a busy week for me at work this week and I also haven’t had much exciting going on, which makes for a boring blog. My apologies. So, to close out the week, how about some random thoughts?

It never hurts to complain about something you are not happy about. So far this year I have gotten a free DVR upgrade, a refund on shipping on some Alabama National Championship stuff I ordered, a refund on shipping and an item I bought for Tony for Valentine’s Day and I am due a free guacamole salad at Little Rosies – which I redeemed at lunch today. In the past I would sometimes let stuff slide unless I was over the top mad about it, but these days if I’m not happy, then I’ll say something and as a result – look at all the loot I’ve gotten!

I really hate to give Tiger Woods any press here on my blog – not that the world is coming here for their Tiger Woods info – but seriously, that “press conference” he held today was a joke. First of all, I don’t need you to apologize to me, Tiger; but thanks anyway. It’s not any of my business what you did to ruin your life; the person you need to be asking for forgiveness from is the Lord and your wife. Secondly, he sounded like a robot. It was obvious that he didn’t write the statement he read and I’m sure he practiced it 100 times with hand motions and everything so that he would send out all the right signals. I could go on, but seriously, what’s the point?

Speaking of Little Rosies, whoever designed that place did a terrible job. It is always super crowded in there and the layout is not user friendly. I realize they converted a Kenny Rogers’ Roasters building, but still a woman’s input might have been beneficial.

Speaking of a woman’s input, the concession stand at Butler High School and Huntsville High School is the same way. Butler, I’ll give a pass because it’s an older building, but HHS is fairly new and the place to line up for concessions is super small and when there is a line it blocks the pathway to the restroom. Not great planning. Are there no women architectural consultants out there?

Has anyone been watching the Olympics? The winter games are my favorite of the Olympics and I have really enjoyed watching each night. The US is doing really well so far. I hope they keep it up.

The Amazing Race started last Sunday and I finally had an opportunity to watch it yesterday afternoon. I have never in my life seen such a large group of idiots before. Seriously, that is one group of dumb folks. Where did CBS find these people? It should make for an interesting and frustrating season.

I sewed a button on my winter coat yesterday. This may not seem like a huge accomplishment to many of you out there, but to me, it is awesome! I am so proud of myself!

I just realized last night that I didn’t have a birthday cake this year and it made me a little sad. Would it be weird to make one for myself? ** Update - Erika read this and said she would make me a birthday cake and bring it to American Idol party on Tuesday! Thanks, Erika, you are awesome!

Speaking of sweets, I’ve been craving doughnuts for about a week now. Maybe I should stop by Krispy Kreme this afternoon. Hmmm.

I checked my Jim Brickman post today since it occasionally still gets comments. There was a new comment on there from yesterday, February 18. I’m happy to say, I finally agreed with what a commenter had to say about Jim’s concert! Thank you, anonymous, you hold a special place in my heart. If you still haven’t seen the Jim Brickman demonstration, please ask the next time you see me. I’m always happy to oblige.

Well, I guess that will do it for random thoughts today; I’m sorry they weren’t very interesting. I hope everyone has a really good weekend!


Candy said...

I love the random thoughts. Really let's me get into the mind of NJP! I agree with you on Tiger. What a looser. I'm going to Rosie's next week with Kenny and a girlfriend. I've been craving their BBQ chicken nachos. Ever had them? You should - they are ridiculously good!

Sara said...

Loving the randomness too! And yay for you for sewing on a button! Did you have someone show you or did you just figure it out on your own?