Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I’m Happy to Report there are No Breaks

My leg is still bothering me a week and a half after I fell into what was once known as the furnace of my house. On a normal day, I would be in a spin class right now, sweating it out and loving the burn in my legs. Today, however, I am at home in pain – not fun.

I went back to the gym last Thursday and have been twice more since then and clearly it was not the right decision as my leg has gotten worse from the little improvement I experienced last week. Today I’m having trouble putting pressure on it and as far as crossing the left leg over the right – you can forget it.

This afternoon I went for my weekly chiropractor visit and Dr. Ross was kind enough to take some x-rays for me. There are no breaks or fractures, which is a good thing. He said I most likely just jammed it since I landed on it when it was straightened out. So, basically I just have to stay off it for a while longer and ice it down; also soaking in Epsom salts will probably be in my near future. I’m really grateful to Dr. Ross for taking a look at my leg for me because goodness knows I don’t have the time to wait around for hours on end at The Orthopedic Center.

Ya’ll getting old sucks! I guess it just gets harder and harder to bounce back from things the older you get; but, again at least there are no breaks. That’s all the news from my little corner of the world. Until next time, I’ll be hobbling along!

1 comment:

Alison said...

I'm glad there's no break, but from what I hear (I have no first-hand knowledge and hope I never do) breaks heal quicker than torn tendons and sprains. Ouchie! I hope it gets better quickly!