Thursday, May 27, 2010

Updates and Memorial Day Weekend

Here are a few updates I know you are just waiting with baited breath to hear about…

Charlie – apparently Charlie has a lake house! I found this out through my neighbor Jeff. Tony says I (why not we?) need to cozy up to Charlie so we can get an invite to this mysterious lake house.

Daily Bible Reading – I am still keeping up with my daily Bible reading and have only missed five days so far this year. I am really proud of myself for keeping this going.

Gym – I’m still going to the gym four to five times a week and have not lost one pound, which can be a little discouraging. I have lost some inches because I can tell my pants are a bit looser and also some of my friends have been kind enough to tell me they can see a difference, which is nice.

Garden – The garden is coming along quite nicely. I actually took some photos, but haven’t uploaded them from the camera yet. The tomato plants are to the top of the cages and already have some blooms. It always amazes me how fast these things grow! Speaking of gardens, Tony planted a garden this year too. I think his has corn, watermelon, pumpkin, okra and one tomato plant. Not sure if there’s anything else there or not and I’m also not sure what it looks like since I haven’t seen it. If I ever make it past the locked gates, I’ll take a photo and share it with you all.

Feet – I was able to skip the shots at my latest doctor appointment even though I’m still having pain. The feet were taped up again, which is annoying, but I do think it helps. I don’t have to go back to the doctor until the end of June. So, keep your fingers crossed for good results.

I think that’s all the updates for now. You can now go about your day without wondering about all these things. Don’t you feel better already?

This weekend marks the unofficial start of summer and it’s sure to bring a lot of fun along with it. I plan on seeing some movies this weekend and also watching the Cotton Row runners – that’s right, watching. I am not participating this year. There’s also a Memorial Day ceremony at Maple Hill Cemetery that I went to a couple of years ago and I may check that out this year too. I’ll be off work starting tomorrow (Friday); so, no more updates until after the holiday weekend. I hope you all have a nice Memorial Day and that you are able to enjoy it with your friends and family; and remember the reason for Memorial Day – to honor those who died for our freedom. Buckle up and be safe!

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